Garden hoses, swimming pools, and sprinklers, just to name a few, can really give your plumbing system a workout during the summer.  Here are a few tips that can help prevent common plumbing issues we encounter during the summer and also save you some green.

  1. Sprinkler Systems and Hoses. Early in the season, embedded sprinkler heads should be cleaned and inspected for leaks, clogs or broken sprinkler heads. When mowing the lawn, make sure the sprinkler heads are lowered to prevent damage. Checking the outside faucet and hose for any leaks can prevent damage to your property while also saving you money.
  2. Water Heaters. Summertime means vacation time for many of us. We get a chance to visit friends and relatives, see new places and experience different cultures. If you will be away from your home for several days, turning down your water heater temperature could save you a significant amount in energy costs. Also lowering the temperature during the hottest of the summer days can have an impact on your energy bills.
  3. Garbage Disposal. Wonderful weather in the summer gives way to a lot more parties and cookouts. Be careful of how you dispose of the large amounts of leftovers from these occasions. It would be best to avoid disposing of the following common summer items down your garbage disposal: watermelon or other hard fruits, fibrous vegetables, corn cobs, grease left from grilling, just-add-water foods, pasta or rice. Try running cold water for about 15 seconds before and after using your garbage disposal.
  4. Clogged Toilets. Having kids out of school for the summer can significantly increase the use of your toilets. Taking preventative measures such as teaching your kids what not to flush down the toilet or how to use a modest amount of tissue paper could save you the hassle of a clogged toilet. Most common toilet clogs can be easily cleared with a plunger but if that fails, call in a professional before the problem gets worse!
  5. Washing Machines. More outdoor activities in the summer for families results in more loads of laundry. The increased usage does put additional stress on your washing machine. The average cost of washing machine damage is around $5,300 and 55% of these problems are from the supply hoses. Also, of all the supply line failures, 78% are on machines less than 11 years old. Make a habit of checking the hoses for leaks, bulges, and cracks. We recommend replacing the hoses every three years and making sure your washing machine is at least 4 inches from the wall, to prevent kinking the hose. The dryer lint should also be removed regularly.
  6. Sewer Line Backup. Excessive rain-water after the spring rains are a leading cause of sewer line backups. Additionally, tree roots grow substantially after the rainy season and could find their way to your sewer line to feed on the extra nutrients. Ideally, have a professional come inspect your sewer lines before the beginning of the season. Detecting a sewer line problem early could potentially save you money and prevent damage to your property.

Common early warning signs of a sewer backup include raw sewage backing up the drains or toilet, a gurgling sound coming from the drains.

If you suspect that your sewer line might be having issues, call a professional plumber to inspect the sewer line. Our plumbers are equipped with technologically advanced sewer line cameras that can detect the exact point of your problem in a non-invasive method.