As summer goes on and the temperatures climb, you might not have the condition of your sewer line as a top matter of importance. Backyard barbecues, pool parties, and family vacations might command most of your attention, but try not to forget about your sewer line. Nothing will put a damper on that barbecue quite like a sewage backup in the heat. Saving the big barbecue aside, here are the top six reasons to get a sewer line inspection:

  • It’s inexpensive. Usually around $300 to $350 for a thorough video inspection, it is something that isn’t going to break the bank.
  • Replacement is extremely expensive. If there is a problem, you’ll be glad that you paid the initial inspection cost! If caught early enough, you may save yourself some serious money. A full replacement can run $15,000 or more, but repairs are considerably less. Unfortunately, however, sometimes a replacement is necessary.
  • It’s not part of a standard home inspection. The last time that you had your home inspected was probably when it was originally purchased. Even if you’ve had it inspected since then, sewer line analysis is not included in a standard inspection. It’s quite possible that you’ve never had your sewer lines look at! This is quite a risk since you could have serious problems that have been festering for years.
  • You may need to replace Orangeburg pipes. Orangeburg pipes were popular with home builders in the 1950s. It is piping made from layers of compressed wood pulp that is sealed with tar. It was expected to last for as long as 50 years, and for many people, it did not last nearly that long. So if an inspection finds that your sewer line is constructed from Orangeburg pipes, a full replacement will be needed immediately or in the near future.
  • You may stem off root growth. One of the most common causes of sewer line failure is root growth. Small roots squeeze into the cracks of your piping and cause blockages. A thorough inspection may be able to find problem areas or sections of roots that could cause future issues. You can then break up these roots before the damage occurs, saving you a lot of money down the line!
  • You will have peace of mind. After a professional inspection, you should have a great idea about what condition your sewer line is in. Sewer lines are built to last, and if your pipes are in good shape or have been replaced recently, you can expect few problems in the near future. As long as you have them checked periodically to catch potential issues quickly, they will usually last decades.

Hopefully, you can now see the importance of having your sewer lines inspected this summer. Something so simple and inexpensive can save you huge headaches later. Bieg Plumbing has nearly 60 years of experience in the business and is happy to assist you with your sewer line inspection needs. You can expect a courteous, trained professional who will give you an honest appraisal of your situation.

Set up an inspection today!